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LinkedIn Autodesk Inventor

Exam Type: LinkedIn Skill Test
Last Update November, 2024

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Exam Detail

Autodesk inventor linkedin quiz

In a presentation file, what command do you use to reposition parts in the scene?

Position Components

Tweak Components

Move Components

Nudge Components

linkedin Autodesk inventor assessment test

What is the purpose of assembly constraints?

to define the maximum bounds, or envelope, of an assembly

to position or restrict motion of items in an assembly

to define limits as to how large an assembly can become

to limit how an assembly can be shared with collaborators

linkedin Autodesk inventor quiz answers

How can you share a 3D design with someone who doesn't have Inventor?

Click File > Share and then select DWF or 3D PDF.

Select the items you want to share, and then on the Assemble tab, select Shrinkwrap from the Simplification panel.

Click File > Export and then select DWF or 3D PDF.

Select the items you want to share, and then on the Tools tab, select Package Components from the Export panel.

linkedin learning Autodesk inventor

How are parts and assemblies different?

Parts are comprised of features that replicate a single component. Assemblies are collections of components.

Parts are not allowed to have materials applied, while assemblies can control any number of materials.

Parts are for building small items, and assemblies are for larger projects.

Parts are for designing individual items, and assemblies are for simulation.

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